PPC For Personal Injury Lawyers
If executed properly, a PPC campaign can bring in a significant return on investment for personal injury lawyers by attracting numerous new clients in both the short and long term. Today, I will reveal the methods and insider tips I have accumulated over past 15 years through crafting tailored PPC campaigns for a large portion of my clients who happen to be personal injury attorneys.
Starting out as an all-rounder digital marketer, my mentor always used to say that PPC campaigns are fun and games until you tackle the beast that is law firms; specifically personal injury lawyers.
For a while I took his word, but as I started to enjoy the field, I always wondered, what could be so difficult about personal injury lawyer PPC? It was only when I started poking around that I realized that traditional PPC tactics don’t work here.
The world of personal injury lawyers is a colorful one with competition up to the wazoo. Not only do the ads need to be set up just right, you also need to ensure that you don’t overdo it. Marketing for law firms has always been a grey area.
Federal and State Supreme Court’s disciplinary rules impose strict regulations on lawyers marketing their services, suggesting to do so ethically. This impacts on how they, including personal injury lawyers, can perform SEO and shape PPC campaigns. Similarly, the Chapter 4 of Law Society of Ontario (LSO) also imposes similar restrictions suggesting that every marketing endeavor should adhere to the restrictions listed within.
With this limited freedom to market, individual personal injury lawyers or law firms face a lot of competition in the market to rank for the same keywords, be it organic SEO or PPC. There is a potential blackhole for money when trying to set up a personal injury lawyer PPC campaign, as you can see from the screenshot below.
If you look at the keyword “personal injury lawyer near me free consultation,” you’ll notice that despite being a longtail keyword, the cost-per-click (CPC) of a staggering $125.44 can set you back a small fortune in just a matter of hours! In 2019, legal keywords were some of the most expensive keywords on Google Display Network right after consumer services and technology, making PPC very expensive.
However, if done right, PPC campaign for personal injury lawyers can get you plenty of new clients, generating a hefty ROI in the long and short run. Today, ‘ll share with you my ways and secrets I’ve amassed over time as I constructed bespoke PPC ad campaigns for my clients – a huge chunk of whom are personal injury lawyers.
Go Local for Your PPC
Where other businesses in the US can use direct slogans to target their audiences in their PPC ad campaigns, law firms cannot.
This falls under shock advertisement, something that is considered unethical. However, as long as certain guidelines are kept in mind, the Sherman Act in the US and the Competition Act in Canada allows all lawyers and attorneys to market their services, be it via SEO or PPC ad campaigns.
Local Keywords
If you look at the keywords included in the screenshot above closely, you’ll see that they can be used anywhere in the world. Despite being longtail, they are rather generic. But what if you went local? Here is a screenshot showing some local keywords for conducting PPC for your law firm in the US.
As you can see, targeting local keywords can bring the costs significantly down – half of what generic keywords offer. Searching for similar keywords in Canada can yield similar results.
If you’re starting out or aren’t catering to an international audience, target local keywords. Even firms that target an international clientele get most of their clients from the same state as where their offices are. This is because people are always looking for that ‘personal touch’ when dealing with lawyers.
Take the example of “personal injury lawyer” vs “personal injury lawyer in Chicago” or “personal injury lawyer in Toronto.” The price tag per click drops down by more than 50% in places. Yes, it’s still high, but that is definitely no $113.5 per click. Use “exact matches” to reduce costs further – we’ll discuss this in detail below.
Geo Ads Customizers
These tags are known as Geo Ads Customizers and can help you create targeted ad campaigns rather quickly. By adding customizers, you are basically telling Google how to shape your personal injury lawyers PPC ads for different search queries. To do so:
- Create a location feed (an Excel sheet with the location, city, state, country, and your offer and location)
- Go to Business Data in your AdWords account (inside the Shared Library)
- On the next dropdown, click on Ad customizer data
- Give it a name. Let’s name it “InjuryLawyer” for now
- Select your Excel sheet and upload
- Create a new ad copy
- Write your ad’s headlines as you would normally
- In the description, type {=Geo.Offer} and then your description. End it with {=Geo.Target_Location} and Google Ads will automatically insert your offer and location from the excel sheet you uploaded.
This is a very simplified version of the type of ad you will get by doing so. Depending on where the person is, they will see their own location tag and an H1 reflecting their search query. Remember, use location-specific long tail keywords, because if someone is searching for a “personal injury lawyer in Chicago city,” they’re most likely actually looking to hire.
You can also choose use “near me” keywords here. Google automatically takes into consideration the searcher’s location and searches according to that. For example, if a person is sitting in Vancouver and searches for “personal injury lawyers near me”, Google will automatically show them personal injury lawyers in Vancouver.
It’s the same search, only with a different query. Your PPC ad will show for both results. 70% of all online searches are in the form of longtail keywords, as the graph below illustrates, so use that to your advantage. While incorporating the city name gives you that extra edge against the competition and costs.
Setting Up PPC for Personal Injury Lawyers – Standing Out From the Herd
Law firm SEO, especially personal injury lawyer SEO is very competitive, yes, but how do you make yourself and your PPC ads stand out from the crowd? The answer is simple; scoping out the competition. Here is an example:
Most keyword research tools such as SEMrush allow you to enter a website’s domain and find out what keywords they’re ranking on and their ranking on SERP. They also allow you to find out what ad copy your competitors use. You might need a premium membership for this, but it can help you see exactly what your competition is up to. To make your PPC ad stand out, you cannot play with keywords. Instead, you can:
• Incorporate a unique CTA (Call-to-Action)
• Make the most out of Google’s ad extensions
• If you’re offering something others aren’t, highlight it. From 24-hour customer service to free consultations or different locations, flaunt it!
Standing Out By Standing in Their Shoes – Understand Customers’ Pain Points
When looking at the competition, don’t go too deep into spy-craft that you become obsessed with just beating them. Instead, divert more resources towards understanding what your clients want. Conduct surveys, get customer reviews, and use those to better your service. And as you do that, incorporate it into your PPC ads.
Let people know that you listen. Not only does that help you retain old clients, you also get to capitalize on the best form of marketing out there; word of mouth! You can use an extension to drive traffic towards client testimonials or reviews to help them get a feel of your service.
Okay this is a big one. Remarketing, also sometimes interchangeably called retargeting, lets you display your ads to people who have visited your website in the past. You basically ‘hook’ their browser and show them your website’s ads whenever they search on Google or partner sites.
You’re remarketing the customer who has previously visited your website directly, which may easily be confused as taking advantage of a person’s misfortune. Hence, Google doesn’t allow law firms or personal injury lawyers to do so. Thus there are some alternative platforms that work on Pay-Per-Click or Impression basis which are often used as an alternative. However, we’ll get into that later.
First, let’s discuss the advantages it offers.
- It is an incredibly effective way to advertise using the Pay-Per-Click model, given the fact that all of your target audience already visited your website and if they click on your ads, they are choosing to engage with you once again.
- You get to personalize your ads the way you want them, giving customers a tailored experience overall.
- When asked, more than 30% marketers have claimed that remarketing is one of the most effective ways of attracting new customers or attendees to events. Remarketing tools such as Facebook Ads allow much wider outreach abilities, thus allowing you to reach a wider audience.
- Remarketing is a great way to remind a past visitor about your website. With attention spans getting smaller and smaller for the average browser every year, users’ thoughts shift from one lawyer to another rather quickly. Remarketing allows you to stay in users’ sight and thoughts, increasing their chances of returning.
- The world has gone and gotten itself in a hurry. The old adage “out of sight, out of mind” has never been truer. But as you reach out to more and more people, they are bound to remember your name as it pops up often. The frequency of personal injury lawyers ads will also mean that customers will give you a chance at least once and visit your website. It’s up to your customer journey to convince them after that.
How It Works
When you remarketing, you’re displaying some sort of advertising messages to users on a third-party website. The ‘hooks’ we mentioned above are cookies; small files that websites are allowed to store on your PC via users’ browsers like Firefox, Safari and Chrome. As these users leave your site, the ad-placeholders first search for cookies to display ads.
Your personal injury remarketing will ensure that your firm’s ad shows in that placeholder. Ever have a pair of head phones shown to you across multiple websites? As if they were following you around? That’s Google’s remarketing.
Google allows many companies to use remarketing to spread their reach. Yet it doesn’t let all law firms, especially those pertaining to personal injuries do the same. As mentioned above, remarketing falls very loosely under the definition of hardships for Google.
According to Google, allowing personal injury lawyers’ PPC ad campaigns to “hook” customers’ browsers is tantamount to exploiting peoples’ “difficulties or struggles in categories related to personal hardships.” Furthermore, in 2014 Canada’s Office of the Privacy Commissioner declared that Google’s remarketing campaigns violated privacy rights by using sensitive health history for monetary gain.
This meant that it’s not just those in the legal niche that can’t remarket but also those who are in the health (physical, mental, and emotional) can’t either. Google remarkets through Google Display Network (GDN) – a database consisting of over 2 million websites. These websites have a vast coverage; reaching over 90% people on the internet.
Although Google has such a vast audience, it isn’t the only provider. To target a similar audience, lawyers have the option of using other Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs) as well. One of the biggest of such platforms is Facebook Ads. For other methods to remarket on websites, contact us at dNOVO Group to find out more.
No matter what service you use to remarket your personal injury lawyers ads, users don’t know where they got the cookies from, if they figure out they’re getting remarketed at all. And that’s what matters at the end of the day – the target audience. Lawyers are a social bunch. That’s their job, isn’t it; speaking in front of a judge and jury?
Lawyers make business relationships with each other and potential clients by any means necessary, including social media platforms. If you think about it, one of the most successful ways of getting clients is referrals for most lawyers. So what if we told you that you can use one of those social media platforms to remarket your personal injury law firm?
With more than 2.6 billion users worldwide in the second quarter of 2020, Facebook’s user base is enough to get your digital marketing ball rolling. Even if users do find your firm on Google, users are likely to visit your firm’s page on Facebook to get more information, thus giving you an opportunity to hook them.
Using Display Ads for Personal Injury Lawyers
Every marketer worth their salt knows just how important branding is one of the most important things to consider when performing SEO, let alone SEO for personal injury lawyers. However, what most people forget is that branding is just as important for PPC as it is for SEO. This factor is easy to overlook, especially for preoccupied lawyers.
With such fierce competition for keywords, branding can actually be the only thing that can help you stand out. Only 5% of all marketing expenditure of more law firms is allocated to the display networks, while 95% is spent on normal ads.
This makes sense in normal PPC campaigns, but when it comes to PPC for personal injury lawyers, where costs are so high, it’s the opposite of what you should be doing. Display ads are cheaper than traditional ads – costing as little ad $0.95 per click!
Display Ads – How to Set It Up
Before we get into how display ads help personal injury lawyers, let’s discuss how a display ad campaign can be set up. For that:
- Sign in to your Google Ads account
- Go to Campaigns
- Click the “plus” icon. Create a new campaign
- Head to the “Goals” section
- Select “Campaign type.” Choose “Display Network”
- Set the desired parameters such as:
- Name
- Location
- Language
- Bid strategy
- Budget
- Click Save
Display Ads & Branding
As mentioned above, one of the most prevalent benefits of Display Ads is brand building. By informing your audience about your existence, you spread the word about your brand, effectively reaching new customers and building expectations.
As you keep on meeting those expectations, you make a positive brand perception. Since these ads are larger than traditional ads, they have a more significant bearing on onlookers and send out a better message.
Furthermore, they aren’t as ‘intrusive’ as many other types of ads but are only present in designated zones, thus making them more efficient at sending out a positive message. As you start getting associated with a comfortable outlook, customers are bound to trust your law firm more as well. Plus, you pay less for more – so it’s a win-win!
Keep in mind, though, that while display ads are much cheaper, this comes at a price. The reduced cost comes at the cost of conversion rates, especially for personal injury lawyers compared to other ad types.
Personal Injury Lawyer Ads – Best Practices
When it comes to performing efficiently in terms of display ads, there are three main concepts personal injury lawyers must keep in mind. These include:
- Try to keep it up to 3 slides at most, with each slide getting 10 seconds at more. According to research, the best length of a display at is somewhere between 20-30 seconds max
- The first slide should be the most attractive slide and must include exactly what the reader is looking for. For example, if there is a class-action that you’re in and you’re looking for more class representatives, put that in your first slide
- Incorporate a call to action in every slide just as you would in your website. Make easier for them to reach you.
Okay, let’s get down to brass tacks. Google Ads has a wide enough reach, yes, but there are many other platforms as well that you can use to distinguish you law firm, while getting the benefit not spending a small fortune on Google’s PPC. You can blend the following platforms into your marketing effort to get the best possible results.
Waze Ads
Waze ads have found themselves as a rather successful community-based traffic and navigation app, with more than 100 million drivers using the app. You can get real time traffic info, along with road conditions and weather updates to help you navigate the roads better. With that many readers using the app, it needs a way to make money, right? That’s where your PPC ads come in. Google bought Waze back in 2013 for an astounding $966 million. In order to advertise on Waze ads:
- Activate “exchange Waze” at partner level in DV360
- Then create native ads with your own logo, an image, your ad’s title, a description that meets your requirements, a link to your landing page and a compelling CTA.
- Create an LI that targets your exchange Waze.
The ads will automatically adapt to the Waze ad formats and show to drivers as they commute, without ruining their experience.
Bing Ads
Next up is Bing. Owned and operated by Microsoft, it is the most successful of three search engines it owns; Bing, Yahoo, and AOL. When you advertise on any of the three, your ad shows on each of them, so that’s a big plus right there. Not only that, your results also show on all partner websites too. Here are some things you need to keep in mind when creating your Bing ad campaign.
Description text
Google used to allow only two descriptions, each limited just to 35 characters while Bing offered a single line with a 71-character-limit. Now, both search engines have increased this limit to 80 characters, and two description fields.
Bing offers its own keyword research tool just like Google’s AdWords to help people formulate a better strategy specific to the search engine’s search patterns. While the traffic and search volume on Bing is lower, the costs associated with it are lower as well.
Click-Through Rate (CTR)
One factor that most marketers are concerned with is the CTR. Bing ads usually have a higher CTR and also a higher conversion rate. There are two reasons behind this;
- Since Bing is not such a popular platform, children and other younger audiences which have a lower chance of clicking on ads are not present on Bing.
- Bing offers more resources in their ads and its’ ad experience is much better than on Google. Bing has a much more streamlined and refined User Interface that targets professionals, while Google is refined for the masses, which includes the younger audience.
Reach: Bing Ads vs. Google Ads
Google is the dominant search engine, that much is no secret. The graph above is proof of that. However, Google is by far not the only search engine that you should invest in. Bing network is also growing, as the black line on the graph shows. Look at the following numbers to get a clearer picture;
- As of March, 2020, Bing’s desktop market share increased to 34% worldwide
- Bing sees a staggering 5.4 billion searches per month
- There are more unique queries on Bing than on Google; around 136 million unique searches
While all these are ‘okay’ from a marketing point of view, the most important on is that Bing Ads surpassed the 63 million search mark in 2020 – something that Google AdWords is yet to do.
The point of this is to show that yes, while there are more people on Google, not every one of them will be searching for a Personal Injury Lawyer. With more unique and professional searches on Bing Ads than on AdWords, if you’re not using Bing for PPC, you’re missing out on a lot of opportunities.
Bing Ads vs. Google Ads – A Cost Analysis
As mentioned above, Bing might lack in volume but it makes up for it in terms of cost. And with the increased CTR, it means that while you might get less clicks, you are certainly not going to be in any loss.
Bing PPC get much less competition compared to Google AdWords, leading to cheaper clicks and you end up getting more bang for your buck. Here is another example to illustrate our point.
As you can see, there is a huge difference in the cost of the same keyword in Bing and in Google. Cost per click averages $7.99 on Bing Ads compared to $20.08 for Google AdWords.
Other Benefits of Using Bing PPC
Okay, you get that you are going to target an older, more professional, and higher-income audience with Bing Ads, but what else does it offer? How does it end up providing better ROI for personal injury lawyers?
Importing Google Ads Campaign
For lawyers looking to cut costs after paying the hefty PPC costs on Google, you won’t have to start from scratch after creating your Bing Ads account. Instead, Bing allows you to directly import your Google AdWords campaigns to Bing Ads with just a few clicks!
Better Control
While Google lets you get into the nitty gritty of your ads too, Bing recommends it. All that information you see in your Google AdWords page is explained thoroughly on Bing, letting you get the most out of your account. This means you have more control on a granular level, be it for targeting, cost control, audience, demographics, location, and more. You can even schedule ads to run according to different time zones, something that Google AdWords is yet to add.
Improved Device Targeting
When it comes to device targeting, Bing Ads is way ahead of Google AdWords. Mobile ad targeting is rather limited with AdWords, but Bing lets your target specific audiences not just based on age groups, sex, or location but even their device type and OS!
Sitelink Extensions
Bing Ads also lets you add more information to convince your audience by using extensions. These sitelinks are the same as Google, ranging from pricing and demos all the way to direct content downloads and contact pages.
With more than 3.8 billion users worldwide, social media platforms reign supreme when it comes to spreading the word about your business, with Facebook being the giant among giants (2.4 million users) 62% of 2.4 million users use Facebook every day and are subjected to Facebook ads one way or another.
As mentioned above, Facebook has a massive audience and stands tall as one of the most used social media platforms out there. It also has a whopping $28.6 billion ad revenue, thanks to the same large audience and number of marketers.
With Facebook, personal injury lawyers can target prospects with pinpoint accuracy. You can target clients by using zip code, with or without kids, age groups, ethnicity, income groups, and so much more! Furthermore, you can also target people with specific interest groups and likes.
For example, a person who has just seen Better Call Saul would be just itching for a chance to hire a personal injury lawyer just like Saul.
When law firms create Facebook Ad campaigns, they have the option to choose one of four placement options:
- News Feed
- Facebook Messenger
- Instagram, and
- Audience Network.
And with so many tools available to get the job done, choosing the right one can mark the difference between an average, good, and excellent Facebook Ad campaign. There are three objectives you can choose from:
- Awareness: Introduce your practice to as many local clients as possible.
- Consideration: Provide more information or education to people who know you. This is a good opportunity for storytelling
- Conversion: The goal is a phone call or a scheduled appointment.
Furthermore, there are different types of ads that coincide with each of the objectives.
Video Ads
Perhaps not the best video marketing platform, it is the next best thing, regardless. With over 100 million hours-worth of videos getting watched every day, this is the perfect type of ad to create. You can even get some idea from Saul himself!
Things to Keep In Mind:
Text limit: 90 characters
Video Aspect ratio: 16:9 to 9:16
Max File size: 4 GB max
Length: Up to 120 minutes (we recommend keeping it short – 20 to 30 seconds max)
Carousels has around 10 times better turnover rate compared to traditional ads on Facebook. Carousels have three product images listing in the same ad space and are designed to have three core goals:
- Generating traffic
- Improved conversion
- Improved overall results
Things to Keep in Mind:
Image size: 600 x 600 to 1080 x 1080
Text limit: 90 characters
Headline limit: 25 characters
Link description limit: 30 characters
Boosted Posts
These are normal posts that personal injury lawyers can “boost” to amplify its reach. They are just like ordinary posts, except have “sponsored” written on top.
Things to Keep in Mind:
Image size: 1200 x 628
Text limit: Unlimited
Headline limit: 25 characters
Link description limit: 30 characters
Canvas Ads
These ads are literal ‘canvases’ with which you can tell your own story. You get to use a combination of videos, photos, written content, carousels, GIFS, hashtags, and more. Readers will more than just see the story; they’ll be a part of it.
Things to Keep in Mind:
Image size: 1200 x 628
Text limit: 90 characters
Headline limit: 45 characters
Dynamic Ads
These ads are a bit more expensive compared to other ads but offer an excellent way of showcasing your law practice to customers. These ads change with respect to the type a person prefers to increase chances of conversion.
Things to Keep in Mind:
Image size: 600 x 600 to 1200 x 628
Text limit: 90 characters
Headline limit: 25 characters
Lead Ads
As the name suggests, lead ads have one main purpose; generating leads for your law practice. These ads target people who are likely to use your service and show them an ‘instant form’ in order to qualify them as a lead. The form is short, and can be filled immediately.
While there are some basic questions already in the form, you can type in custom questions too in order to maximize engagement or conversions. This can also help you collect more information about the market.
With over 800 million active users in 2017, Instagram has seen exponential grown in the number of users over the years, with no intention of slowing down anytime soon.
With the large number of users, it’s no surprise that there are an equal number of marketers present here as well. One of the best things about using Instagram ads is that the layout and ad types are very similar to Facebook, thus eliminating the need to learn everything from scratch. Those personal injury law firms who have a PPC ad campaign on Facebook will find migrating to Instagram very easy.
In fact, just as Bing allows you to import your data from Google, Instagram ads allow you to configure your ads right through the Facebook Ad Manager. Here’s how you can set up your Instagram PPC ad campaign.
Open Facebook’s Ad Manager
Open this link and log in. There is no dedicated Ad manager for Instagram ads, instead need to be managed via the Facebook Ads UI.
Set A Marketing Objective
Choosing a campaign goal, i.e., whether you need more traffic, increase brand awareness, or simply want more calls. Here is a list of objectives you can set for Instagram:
• Brand awareness
• Reach
• Video views
• App installs
• Engagement (post engagement)
• Traffic to your website, store, or app
• Conversions
Configure Your Target Audience
After you’ve selected your objective, it’s time to target your audience. Except if you’re targeting for a class action law suit, the age range of 18 and above is what you’re going for, so target those. That’s where the true beauty of Instagram ads lies.
Combined with Facebook’s intuition of demographics and the young user-base of Instagram, you are likely to find clients here left and right. Choose your location and target accordingly as well. Just keep in mind that the broader area you target, the more it’ll cost you.
You can choose the following categories for your law firm PPC campaign:
• Location
• Age
• Gender
• Languages
• Demographics (you’ll find this under detailed targeting and target people such as renters, self-employed individuals, married people, etc.)
• Interests
• Behaviors
• Connections (people connected to your page)
You can also create a custom audience by uploading your contact list and targeting those people directly. This is perfect for people you’re looking to upsell.
Choose Your Placements
Next, you will have to choose where your ads show. This is crucial, because if you skip this step, Facebook will show your ads on both platforms – Facebook AND Instagram. Although not a bad thing, it could mean that you will end up having to pay more for your PPC ad campaign. Not to mention that the ad campaign for Instagram isn’t likely to perform as well on Facebook as well.
When you click on Edit Placements, you will be able to specify Instagram or if you’d like to show your ads on your feed.
Set Your Budget and Ad Schedule
By now, setting the budget should seem like child’s play for you, having set the budget for your Facebook, Bing, and Google AdWords. If you’re just starting out, remember that this is more of a trial and error step. We recommend starting out small – not too small, but a small percentage of your budget. Perhaps about 2-5%, just to test out the waters.
As you get more and more experience, you’ll get to know more about how much you should allocate. Maintain a good balance between the cost and results you’ll be getting. Facebook Ads gives you a pretty good idea about the results you’re likely to get within your budget. Play with that – just take it with a grain of salt.
As for scheduling, that part is pretty self-explanatory. Choose the time you think all your clients are awake and searching. Try using Google AdSense to get more insights on when which keyword is searched for more.
Create the Instagram Ad
Once done with all that, it’s time for you to create your Instagram ad! Choose from one of three ad types Facebook Ads will show you, i.e.:
1. Single Image,
2. Single Video,
3. Slideshow
Once chosen, you will get the option to add your content into the ad. Try to optimize your video and images to ensure that they load quickly and aren’t too heavy.
You’ll also have the option of choosing different types. These are the same as Facebook, i.e., the ones you read about above.
Landing Pages Can Make It or Break It
Ensuring conversions isn’t just about making a PPC ad campaign on all platforms and throwing money at it. You might as well be throwing money down the drain if you don’t have a compelling enough landing page.
This is the page you link in your PPC ad campaign and is sort of the welcome your traffic gets. And therefore, it is safe to say that these can either be deal makers or breakers for your marketing ventures; from making sure the page loads quickly to ensuring that every page has a CTA that clients can use to get in touch.
This is where the customer journey starts, and a poor landing page will only serve to drive them away. Remember, if someone has clicked on your ad and hasn’t bounced back yet, they have a genuine interest in what you have to offer. They are looking for a personal injury lawyer, and you need to convince them that you are the right lawyer for them.
From the design to the content you write, everything needs to be perfect. Some factors to consider include:
- It should be visually appealing
- It should tell clients that you can help them with what they’re looking for – more specific the better0
- Present your face, but don’t post it everywhere. Clients just need to know who they’ll be dealing with and need to judge whether they can trust you. Because if there’s one thing lawyers love to do; it’s post their pictures everywhere with folded arms.
- Incorporate CTAs on every page and make them accessible. Just make sure it’s not in the way or at inconvenient place.
- Distinguish between CTAS. Show that one is for the contact page, one is to mail you, and the other is to call.
- Let them know your address. Incorporate a map, if possible to help them find directions. Ask for the customers zip code subtly to help them find the nearest office
- Create a compelling story in the about us section; one that touches the heart. Take your time here. Try to be as honest as possible – because that’s what lawyers are.
- Place testimonials strategically. Some of my clients have placed testimonials all over the website and have gotten away with it, while some have placed them just as a carousel on one page – and that works fine as well. Keep it perfectly balanced – as all things should be (Thanos was right about that).
- Take your time when designing your landing page – because if the client is on your website from your ad, they’re already halfway sold!
Running A Successful Personal Injury Lawyer PPC: The Conclusion
When performing PPC, losing track of time or budget can be very easy. All it takes is one wrong move and all your hard work can go down the drain – especially for personal injury law firms. Marketing for law firms is already tough thanks to the restrictions set forth in the US and Canada, and it gets tougher with the high-costing keywords in both countries as well.
However, following the guidelines we mentioned above, you can easily cut down on your marketing costs, while reaping the same, if not better results at the end of the day. If you’re looking for a helping hand not just for reducing these costs but also for someone to manage your marketing as you argue in court, let us be that helping hand.
With years of hands-on experience helping out law firms and personal injury lawyers perform SEO across the United States and Canada, we can safely say that we can help you get the best out of your PPC ad campaigns. You represent your clients in front of a judge, and we’ll represent you in front of search engines. So get in touch via call or mail today for a free consultation, and let’s devise a plan that leads to your success!